Thursday, August 12, 2010

August 12th

Hi all.
I sent out an email to everyone earlier today to say hello and
to remind you that our first day of school
is coming right up- Monday August 23rd at 9:00.

On the first day, student are able to order a school lunch
or bring one from home.
We are inviting families to join us on that day for a lunch potluck at 12:45.

Families can meet one another, tour the school,
fill out paperwork and get general information about the upcoming year.
We hope you can join us.
There will be aftercare.

If you are new to the school, or new to the blog-
it i always helpful when people comment on posts to let us know
you are getting the information, and also to add questions or additions
if needed.

Trillium also has a facebook page and any of you are invited to become "friends" of Trillium.
Please remember that facebook is public, not private, so we mainly use that format for
personal interactions and a as way to get to know each other and network within the greater community.

All school information is considered private and will not necessarily be posted there.

One more thing to remember about facebook is that it is not necessarily kid-appropriate.
Adults post all kinds of thoughts and links, and we are neither willing nor able to censor them.
If your student becomes a "friend" of Trillium
we encourage you to also become a friend so you can edit if necessary.

Next Thursday we are having a clean-up day at the school.
If you have any time we would appreciate a hand getting the school ready for Monday.
We will be there at 11:00, and if we don;t see you then, we will see you bright and early on Monday!

1 comment:

Orion said...

The kindergarten class is till 3pm each day, correct? :)