Thursday, April 24, 2008

Thursday, April 24

Hi everyone,

Here are just a few reminders:

3-5 parents-
the kids are scheduled to go roller skating tomorrow.
Kids without returned permission slips
WILL NOT be able to skate.
There are still 6 kids without permission slips signed.

These forms are from the City of Blue Lake
and are required.
They also need $5.00.

There is a check list at the botton of the stairs
that shows who has returned their form.

If you need a copy- they are also in that folder.

Next Monday begins STAR testing-
as long as the tests come in as planned.

Information went into the parent boxes
on Monday about how the testing is handeled at Trillium.

We try hard to make these days fun and painless.
The information also includes
what parents can do if they are unhappy about their
kids having to test.

If you have any more questions,
come and talk to a staff member.

Next week is the last two days of swimming,
and we are swimming on Tuesday and Thursday-
NOT Monday and Wednesday-
just to keep you on your toes.
(Actually it was a scheduling problem with the pool).

The kids will not have any testing on these days.

Tomorrow- Friday 4/25 is a minimum day,
so we will be let out at 1:10.
There will be aftercare as usual.

That's all for now.
Have a great weekend.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Our apologies

Last Friday's art project didn't go as planned,
and we wanted to aopologize to you.

The children have been asking about painting the playhouse,
and it seemed like a good idea.

However, the project was supervised by one adult
(the main staff were in a short meeting in the office),
and the children were over-enthuastic with the paint,
resulting in many children coming home with paint
on their clothing.

Although we have art and ceramics every Friday,
and the children do get messy,
this was messier than usual.

We want to assure you that this was a one-time incident.
We love our child-led projects,
but this was one time it went too far.

The children actually paint quite a bit,
from the murals in the playground
and decorating for school events,
to the weekly art projects in their classrooms.

We have never had quite so much paint in the kids
in proportion to the project.

We'll be more careful in the future.
And remember, Fridays are project days,
so it may not be the best day to wear your new clothes.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

April 1st

The end of this school year is rapidly approaching
which means we have so much going on.

* Congratulations to Ben Whitney
whose Science fair project won 2nd place at the
Humboldt County Science Fair,
as well as a special recognition award.
We are so proud of Ben and all our young scientists!

* Swimming begins next Monday,
so please return the permission
slips in your parent boxes and
mark the swim days on your calendars.

* The 3-5 kids are having a
Conflict Resolution workshop
this Wednesday with Jen.
This will be a refresher course for returning students,
but it's always great to practice the skills of
listening to one another,
using words over voilence for problem solving,
and knowing when to ask for help.

Ask your kids about what they learned,
and even let them practice with one when conflicts arise.

*We currently have four students at school who
cannot drink dairy at all for health reasons,
but we also have another six-eight students who prefer
soy milk over cow milk.

We are happy to oblige this preference,
but have been going through incredible amounts of soymilk!
If your kid is a soymilk lover,
we would appreciate donations of soymilk to keep our kitchen stocked.


* We have had a generous offer to have our building painted
in the near future-
the exact day depends on weather and volunteers.

We need parents to help tie back and cover bushes, tape off windows,
and roll paint onto the trim.

This is an exciting prospect-
our building is in desperate need of paint,
but we have lacked the necessary funds.

Please sign up in the kitchen if you can help make this happen.
Our school can look beautiful again!

Looking ahead in April and May,

* In-class Ocean Day presentation Thursday April 17,

* Steering Committee meets on Monday April 21 at 5:30,

* Minimum Day Friday April 25,

* 3-5 class roller skating party in Blue Lake- date to be announced

* Trillium shirt sales will begin Monday April 14th: Look for order forms in you boxes.

* STAR Testing begins the first week in May

* 3-5 students are studying Mayan Culture & Central America,
K-2 students are studying Islands.

Enjoy the lovely Spring weather.