Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Wednesday Nov. 28th

I hope everyone had an enjoyable week off over Thanksgiving.
We are back in session, and thankful for the sunshine making outside recess possible.
This time of year can get crazy when the kids are stuck inside too long.

On that subject, I want to bring up the inevitable mud and rain
that we deal with each winter.

We believe in the importance of fresh air and exercise for the kids,
and even on the rainiest days we try to get outside in between downpours.

Any type of water proof footwear for the kids helps
their feet to stay dry and their bodies stay warm.
Rain boots are the best because they slip on and off easily
and dry quickly.

It makes winter recess more fun when you can splash and
run in the mucky field
and not come back with wet socks!

Also, if you ever have extra pairs of rain boots that you would like to donate,
we would be glad to keep some here for kids who need them.

Thank you to everyone who helped out in Trinindad last Saturday.
We made almost $600, and everyone who came to pick up their raffle
prizes said it was a lovely event.

We especially want to thank Penny, who organized the event, and
Michelle, Cierra, Heather, Green, Mary, and Jennifer
who put a lot of work into organizing and collecting raffle items,
and working at the event itself.

The month of December always goes fast,
and we have a lot planned.
I will update this as needed, but also read the board out in front
of the school to stay informed about weekly events.

Coming up next week is our Steering Committee meeting.
Racheal Iverson, Lilian and Faith's mom, was approved
by you to fill the empty seat on this committee.

Our next meeting will focus on:
budget updates,
Single Plan for Student Acheivement updates,
and current happenings.

Everyone is welcome to attend.

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